Saturday, April 11, 2009


I see the merging of everything all religion sings awakened beings can bring us a utopia of fun from one global whole evolution's goal to behold all of it for sure solar energies pure fate creates your inner mind takes that blinding brightness giving a kiss of cosmic awareness for a moment an inner bliss this truth in flight like the sun's light giving life’s oneness time for sunshine in the minds potential filled love holds glowing faith in that which makes us see solar energy as another commonality in all religions one respect set ablaze fire burning crazed glowing universal forces working hot a lot of things in play today prays for inner peace and teaches compassion thoughts in common bursting stars creation deep within our souls' sensation bliss is this spectacular meditation radiation invisible magnificent energy seeking to be free loves divinity may she climb up your spine filling your mind's will and mixing mother nature’s shining universal ecology organic reality done all creation from one purpose this evolution inside of it a galactic force that brought every bit we eat beats inside my heart an art that is part of what makes it right an inner voice ignites streaming lights glowing rainbows in flight free to see energies of infinity endless possibilities awareness of love's solar energy crawling humanity's spine into pure mind to find divinity that frees all that rust turns to pure stardust part of us screaming laughing beings of happiness so fabulous living bliss spoken with eternity smiling poetry sees through true friends sending this action within art in me free its melting heat that keeps a burning inner sun rising glowing grace just faith can survive through to your liberation in and of itself from another bursting dawn reborn through life’s booming storms of revelations enlightenment sent compassion's equality one humanity may prosperity scream and bring a new day of bliss and happiness shining through as dreams come true may the sun become you