Sunday, September 27, 2020


Interstellar baby burping ecology climate change sane action fun awaken some vegan one ecology future free souls cyber holds the thought of things we got in common science fact pressure that influences bubbles tribe programs same mind bubble religious kissing souls powerful wholes shows awaken glows in growing up sensing such trust in that thing screaming out utopia not dystopia utopia future love baby today maybe just for a few moments of love filling less hate back and forth power about bubbles popping science hugging robots may bite bugs of life's pandemic all right its meant to on through

Saturday, September 19, 2020


When you are on a higher plane all that other shit hits your brain empathy feel fire burning awaken perfection family humanity peace religion same awaken love birth ECO Earth works part of bliss higher consciousness hits kicks  environmental sanity nature whips  climate change reality action solar energy key this Technology

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Higher Consciousness


đź’“Thinking how some minds find time inclined to use our minds a bit about Pandemic Truth through facts asymptomatic people don’t know but explode it higher consciousness vegans gets burning Climate Change to love our  inner GODS  more to reach teach preach thoughts in common union compassion ecology conservation beauty all 

Spirituality humans seeking being best set in motion arts cool flying bliss 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Robot balance infinity quantum strongest point of the triangle three locking lines strong Geodesic Dome  cycle balls round and round zero infinity in and of itself for ever quantum four points of the square corners zapping out in all direction cubes spinning randomly DOT the ultimate computer/human language based on these three universal shapes dot D triangle O the cycle T the square shape it’s the key when thinking of these 3 shapes interconnection to same thoughts mental art universe everywhere in time and space reality taking place computer cyber space