Wednesday, November 25, 2020


2020 bliss I got it working for our sun ecology freedom comes awaken some action arts a flowing parts thinking deeply hears  with vegan higher consciousness ecology future tecknology programmers we succeed in our abilities family word o so smart color shapes forms fields storming abilities art COOL within vision spectrum colored humanities TIMES evolutions awaken kundalini energy mediation praying do good learning working force fields all equal just a doing our things awaken beings morning stretch 1 2 3 booming rest perfection set a  new day 2021 buy buy old sunken ways dripping toxic air climate changing for the good lives up to its face loves taking place compassion thoughts in common words souls spoken within change babe blazing opening forgiveness

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Monkey monkey swing with me lets climb to the top of my minds tallest tree and look out to what will be utopia on the horizon vision awaken sky’s colors bursting body souls awareness unfolds ability to express up here on the top vegan future giving all we got