Life is innate and this is our fate
By the grace of magic you exist
Everything is quantum clothing
One quantum spectrum
Magic freed new discoveries
Love brings awakenings
Glowing winds within
Karma came by to stay high
Interdimensional flows though magical wholes
Even awaken one goofs up some
Quantum sensation transformation
Compassions for imperfections
Open doors to free more
Quantum types enlighten life
Balance dimensional whole flows love holds
Feel the flow of my soul
Nice live right
Magical quantum parts become art
Quantum seeks steady beats
Rocket ships of consciousness
Evolution compels quantum cells
Reality OK quantum play
The best you seek is always at its peak
Quantum meditation balances
Perfection runs in one direction
Existence makes grace
Dreaming is mind cleaning
Perception perfection
Quantum action
Ego ends when love transcends
Clear frustration to awaken
Devine grace make this take place
Clear vision lies within
Quantum artists lives in bliss
Everything flows to where it goes
Meditation frees eternity
There is no one perfection
Fate never dissipates it creates what you make
Love from compassion
A kind mind is sublime
Magic does not question where it’s from
No ideologies in loves realities
Love completes every heartbeat
Life flows in miracles
All quantum glue is part of you
Quantum lives in all that is
Everything shows how nature controls
Balance of mind comes in time
Quantum hits every bit of it
This is happiness
The quantum in my ear became clear
Systems change to higher planes
Bliss exists
Creatures don’t think about death they accept it
Nature Utopia
Atoms of soul expand than implode
Evolutions direction perfection perception mediation constantly
Soul is a quantum system within
Compassion is action
Quantum travels at their own velocity do as they please
Create awaken space
Cosmic energies controls destiny
Magical existence creates this
Perfection exist in a quantum universe
Quantum finite sparks life
We are all part of a perfect art
Move in a new dimensions black whole perceptions
Answers lie within as the future begins
Life’s drama is called karma
Quantum art beauty starts
Magic impress nature does the rest
Art creates loves grace
All of us are perfection in flux
Forgiving old shit improves it
All life forms belong
Quantum flows know where to go
Purpose of this is bliss
Pray and positives forces are on their way
Perfection is clear when it’s here
Nature transforms imbalances love lives
Suffering ends when the mind transcends
I’m all that I can be love me
Awaken minds are kind
Interstellar DNA is always in play
Thankfulness abundance exists
Quantum frequencies interactions reality one big family
There is much give you this awareness
Much more than it seems we are all quantum beings
Let delusions go and perfection will flow
Fate makes no mistakes
Transformation bliss kindness
Quantum signs live in magical minds
You’re here than disappear
Imperfections show directions
We are just little bits on a quantum trip
Perfection awaits if you got what it takes
A mothers kiss proves consciousness exists
Energies perception is just a reflection
Souls are part of a quantum whole
Magic becomes mind in quantum time
The present lives in what is
Love awaits when you stop hate
All life scenes what it is
Emptiness is consciousness
Quantum vision have no divisions
Energies cosmically set free booming reality
Knowledge give internet living
Transformational time perception mind
Karma compassion perfection action amazement how right now
Quantum magical forces from meditation
Know extinction initiative-taking ecology reality
Posture perfection
Love comes from everyone
Perception is temporal quantum flows
Quantum mechanics seeks happiness
Pont of perception quantum perfection
Quantum excitement artistic enlightenment
Artist exist
Compassion in every action
Fire desire
Bliss is in this Movements quantum set this action done booming
Perfection purifies perceptions
Time locks open contemporary hot
The universe always works
Evolution is present in magical events
Quantum is fun
Transformation makes steady state
A quantum bit of consciousness
Never done becoming one
Such Natures flux
Your own groove cuts a move
Existence flux fits
Quantum Ness is bliss
Every thought is an enlighten force
Soul controls the flow
Jumping times mind finds
Natures time is divine
Consciousness helps this
Aware hear care
Come flow old god soul whole
Love whole evolution flows
Extinction transformation
Loves perfection transforms dimensions
Present artists exist consciousness infinity
Seeing this exists
Perception reality dimensions expression
Forces seed evolutions needs
Vegan medicine
Light ignites life
Souls live on compassions whole
Reality dreams change cleans
Happy Energy
Time to exist contribute to this
All parts art
Evolutions will fulfill
For give the ego and the IDD time to live
Learning to achieve
Dancing energies living reality
Quantum energies living destiny
Everything is an interdimensional dream
Perception dimensions Awaken
Society thinking dimensionally
Quantum holds lots-of souls
timeless perfection frees reality
Quantum quest transforms the rest
This is the enlightenment nature sent
Perfection works in the right direction
Consciousness makes this
Magic exist this
Quantum interlocking karma
All is part of a balancing quantum art
Quantum save us from chaos
Artist interdimensional bliss
We all pull evolutions will
Reality elements transitioning differently
Exist expressing it
Mind healing times quantum forces
Love flows global
Be free identity
Find the blessings in everything
Nature fights for the path that’s right
Quantum love energy constantly
Systems fit when you realize it
Skin holds quantum souls
Evolutions time awakens minds
All interphase in a quantum maze
Happiness makes this
Transforming boundaries quantum sets free
Awareness flows in a cosmic glow showing which way to go
All quantum form one
Trust perfections flux
Quantum reality sings in everything
Magic is always part of it
Felt it artist from expression
Karma quantum reaction
Reaction reactor laughter
Quantum conception perception reaction creates fate
Groovy reality surrounds me
Inhaling infinite black holes
Being all things in quantum dreams
A black hole is where death holds interdimensional souls
Magic is the clay turning black and white gray
Change from quantum reaction done
Energy transforms in quantum storms
Quantum energies transforms
Loves perfection though all we do
Inner thunder raining wonder
Mystical karma frees who we are
Magic flows interdimensional
Finding magic when you weren’t looking for it
Evolution sets free positive energy constantly
Nature chimes in within
Karma satisfaction is a quantum reaction
Meditations imploding quantum knowing
Quantum motion within one
Aware of it quantum bliss
We are all in quantum skin
Quantum reality is temporary
Happiness exists this is it
Find mind time
Seeing in different dimensions Leeds to perfection
Ego goes love explodes
Kindness is
Magic part of it