Friday, December 30, 2016


Some don’t what to know some will never grow lost in darkness blinded dead sightless to red blood love pure vegan of whiteness within glowing compassion wins and knows only fools get snowed cold sold in frozen food old society or new apps internet fact it lies constantly fake news cries minds die why speak the truth what's the use to find more propaganda shooting up war dooming culture who we are just a going BOOMING artiest pure of heat dreaming zooming screams karma cleans redeems our only hope coping in quantum energy reality bursting black holes survives rebirth takes years of work and free infinity from our super inner sun burning within evolutions apes turning into cool robot states that makes great happy fate compassion awaits awaken action ok cool cats future earth at this point of time universal mind constantly prays ecology saves technology slaves solar energy rays rainbow crystals matter gray minds getting fatter find thinking computer chips hits it's goal artificial intelligence shatters leisure time activity clears and hears this song than sings along strong intergalactic race time warping space all beauty makes reality is what we see now loves positive energy succeeds right now

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