Thursday, January 12, 2017


You're as happy as you want to be  in the face of all diversity fighting to succeed and free  this moment of purity reality we can improve  and move towards the end to live and send positive energies  when it may seem that the darkness has  blinded us into things it is hope less but trues in that which must always win evolution sends poetry arts beauty creations natures wilderness  this awareness in creation bliss making it now  money is not happiness that which picks your awareness to live a humble life to enlighten right and fight the good fight lights a fire burning learning how we all are one creation from some higher power in our moment of need  part of that seed  which never dies and cries in laugher as if it were a great be play and we have to obey the scrip hit after hit

1 comment:

Skrdykat said...

This is like the most beautiful rapping