Tuesday, February 14, 2017


There's a silent scream of pain and suffering echoing in the wind a billion helpless animals slaughtered to win a moment in an hungry meat eating soul who does not know or even care so unaware with a deaf ear to those terrifying thundering screams sounding an alarm factory farm animals constantly screaming help me please today I'm a captive slave in a very small cage never to be saved bless the vegans way to live healthier and better for the environment that’s a fact that's true we who hear a billion animal screams helpless cries why can't you too hear them feel what is so GOD DAM real cries why I am feeding an insane factor farm of pain just for the lust for another bloody bite of meat time to seek the reason why helpless animals have to die living hell in pain societies brain washing keeps a meat industry drinking blood don’t say you love animals but eat them when you hear the facts as if it were not that makes us sick from eating its mass murder NOW is the time to try and feel WHAT IS REAL stop eating meat seek compassion complete awaken being hears a billion screams of the helpless suffering animals who die die die that is why vegans give a dam smart enough to understand what's right with every bite they eat and have to preach for animal rights God helps shine loves light OK so stop and obey a higher way to live end the hate my friends give the animals a break become aware and hear a billion animals screams end suffering factory farming is a war that will stop in time for sure discover the vegan in you do what's right don’t eat another life

1 comment:

Skrdykat said...

Amen....awesome. Right on.
(Still getting used to everything being spelled right though!)