Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Everything lives in their own perspective all intelligence gives pure human souls truth youths wisdom and vision unfolding future dreams mad not a hash tag gold sold molded into another trend ending reality bliss mothers kiss gives a perspective of future organic children controlling load after load computer in hand dam cold truth put to use just a part of our self-conception utopia helps our creation great fun thinking art no one is better equality forever content of characters muting what became a spot on target making it happen execution evolution's BIG plan in our hand complexity divinity true beauty equality awaken love with in all living things vegans scream ecology stopping global warming responsibility renewable energy booming in thought it self a way to see and be that bliss a whole vision kicks what comes within so many ways of love highs and lows tell transcendental words give white bones and red blood flowing time relativity poets feel my heart beating mind seeking good bye endless time crying why it's the best death just becoming part of that whole again my friend you know it never ends goes and goes as energy glows lit up so don’t be a fool be cool protest and protect our seed booming revolutionary old hates will die by what they do not know so free a new reality that sees

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