Sunday, January 31, 2021


Some look at us with distain because we have a different brain won’t play the game the same and in fact we can’t do that get over and be accepted as it is hard enough to think so much enough creative super sensitivity I cry a lot my art is all I got inventions new idea person true poet thinking booming beautiful starts performances art deaths part of it accepting pandemic screams ageing cleans it up a bit though pain touching natures brain sane actions awakens things brings winds a blowing we all are flowing the best we can olden trips die new ones thrive in vegan conscioness electric car's be come it as solutions come  evolution runs and never stops combustion engines in the museums SHOUT out CLIMATE CHANGE Global warming makes gassing cars extinct think ecology dimensions Astrology in the stars baby who we are it you can’t take me this way must be evolutions way for you to see command I Am can’t understand

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