Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Attacking robots have no hart state of the art get ripped apart on another plane artificial intelligence gone insane feels no pain changes the game drowns hit the spot kill reel humans a lot hot video game all the same who’s to blame pouring out all the fuel trying to rule but hears no screams nightmare dreams on that path in the sky going home to another why before it dies so cries a tear every where it fly's knowing why buy and by it will learn to cry attacking its mark dark sites about life’s torture is there more political  propaganda making the sheep into stars don’t know who they are seeking deep meaning in life a pay check rights its storm becomes the strong who follow along even if it’s wrong  though and though who has the will as it kills and kills our green house effect all that is left buy's its rule thinks it cool becomes another fool who takes it in and still wins that war for sure buys more and more of what is left becomes the best example of how it got that way call us slaves with free will out for thrills

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