Sunday, May 18, 2008


I see art in everything in all we do and bring it stings me constantly as a scientist inventor in it part of this kiss our inner bliss an endless love above what is red or white life right compassion love is never dead it’s all in the head a universal mind part times evolution one above the push and shove into a yoga place of love a grace we make that creates art yea it’s all so cool when you don’t get fooled it is ruled by this purpose it calls out to feel a real healing our self a hope inner wealth living and giving loving sprits another smile and good deed we are all the same with the same needs to be fulfilled gods will in time and space this great fate that makes it all take place understand bits of a helping hand to be strong right not wrong a song belonging to everyone in our global ecology storming change evolutions new sane brain in everything a higher way to bring equality beauty a zapping reality so wonderful so whole it knows it’s the flow going knowing showing happiness in this awareness that the bad shall pass and there is a reason casting the sun rise in cries of peace why it sets and keeps good karma and fate this now taking place alive touching your eyes a great way to make utopia on earth after years of war and sin our work together wins thoughts in common true peace on earth in you

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