Sunday, May 18, 2008


I bathe my soul in arts whole part of the white snow falling in a rainbow I know showing poetic effects in and of itself helps awaken artistic pain falling calling a utopia nature healing feeling this motion of a compassionate universe making this take place an awakened race so fate makes this take place again songs belong to a norm a creative strong process all of this making it worth the trip to the store for more too poor to wish all of this is it a bitch or not to hit what we got with bliss in its living love ecology beauty reality thankful for every breath set in such motion new friends old ends turning into dust trust it is a must fly try your best and DREAM clean positive ecology flows inner and outer shows it’s will comes to pass as we run so fast on the path it laughs past tears of happiness cast in with traveling time mind and space a place we all create bliss in this utopia here and now!

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